Claiming Our Dragon Power


Is Life asking you to step into your Dragon Power?

This usually happens when a change or a situation asks us to step into our power in a new way.

There’s usually a clue in the body. Our body tells us we’ve crossed a boundary — a liminal threshold — and an imminent change is on the way.

A new “Yes” or new “No” is emerging from our instinctual self.

Often, claiming our power comes with an identity shift.

A desire to fully inhabit who we are, as a larger version of ourselves invites us to step into it. Our Dragon Power calls upon a radical act of self-love.

Art by John D Batten

Art by John D Batten

Our inner dragon is wagging her tail, preparing for a new leap, a new flight!

We must break out of something that no longer fits, and trust the skin shedding in the process. It’s a time of alchemy, and we’re the alchemical container. Inside, an old structure is being re-forged.

Claiming our Dragon Power tests us by asking us how much we want it. Whatever that sacred ‘it’ is for us — something we want to end, or to begin.

We’re called into our own self-love. What will it take? What are we willing to give? What are we willing to surrender? Can we trust ourselves to walk the in-between?

It can be an uncomfortable, vulnerable, yet enthralling passageway, as we take a seat in our roots of power, while reaching for what we truly want.

During these initiations, it can make all the difference to create a container for our process, to lean into extra support, share our feelings openly, and nourish ourselves with love and connection.

Are you walking through an initiation into your Dragon Power? What is it asking of you? And what do you need to be supported in the process?

Ps: Want more on dragons? Read Wtf Is Dragon Wisdom? next.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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