Return of the Womb Oracles

Art by Linder Sterling

Art by Linder Sterling


We are the wise moon women, the dragons, the priestesses, the ancient ones, and the oracles returning for a new time, a new birthing.

I love this particular image by feminine artist Linder Sterling, because to me it symbolizes wearing our primordial feminine wisdom *loud and proud*.

In these times full of surprises, here are the blessings I’m whispering to myself and to us, like soft fairy dust to take with us on the winding path:

Keep trusting your birthing power, your oracular power, your wildness, your witchiness, your true knowing.

Remember that every challenge is a weaving in your healing, wholing process. With instinct, intention, and love, you can trust yourself to move through any ‘obstacle.’

And when you're feeling unsure which path to take, remember that your Womb is an oracle.

If you want to connect to your womb as the source of your deepest spiritual and magical power, I invite you to try this guided Womb Awakening meditation.

It’s a powerful journey to take when you’re feeling unsure about a decision or direction in your life, or when you’re seeking some fresh inspiration and insights.

It’s the key practice I use in my day-to-day life.

We’re walking this journey together. We can reach to our loved ones, our community, and our lineages, as we strengthen our connection to the web of love that is available to each of us.

Love is the greatest magic.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

Claiming Our Dragon Power


Dewi Danu, Goddess of Primeval Waters