What Are Your Power Places?

Womb Shamanic Journey

What are your power places?

We each have our "power places” — places on earth that make us feel incredibly alive, and hold a special magic for our soul journey.

Power places are those sacred lands that are connected to our soul story over many incarnations. Places that awaken a remembrance within us, and hold unique gifts and power for us now.

Some are places we've visited or traveled to, that may have taken us by surprise with their beautiful and wild essence, catalyzing an amazing and unexpected feeling in our body!

Have you ever been somewhere, and felt you were coming home to yourself? As if the land was awakening something that had been dormant in you, something that was suddenly ready to start singing again?

Our power places speak to us about our interconnection with the earth and her body and her feelings.

Our power places also speak about the story of our soul, and often hold information about our past lives and our spiritual lineages

There are also those power places we haven't been to physically yet, but they beckon us, whispering to and romancing us.

Our power places can call us from afar — in dreams, in conversation, in a photo, or simply a bubbling inspiration in the heart that we just need to go there!

And whether or not we can travel to those physical places, we can always invoke our power places within. We can meet them in the Dreamtime, in our meditations, in our soul center — our womb, or hara in men.

Is there a power place that calls to you right now? If so, it most likely has a message for you. A wisdom, a nourishment, a form of love or support it wants to infuse you and your path with.

Womb/Hara Meditation to Connect to Your Power Place:

If you'd like, let's try this process of connecting to your power place right now.

Place a hand on your womb or hara, and take four long, slow breaths, in and out through the mouth (breathing through the mouth brings us into our primal selves and into the feminine dimension).

Next, ask your womb or hara "What is my power place right now?"
Listen for an intuitive answer. However it comes, you can trust it.

Now, begin to feel into the energetic signature of this place. What visuals, images, and textures arise? What is the personality of this land? Are there lineages you know of connected to this place? What are the colors or elements that come to mind? Let the energy of this land run through your body.

Now, allow your womb or hara to enter into deep connection and relationship with this place. From here, ask the land: "What message do you have for me? What do you wish to share with me?" Allow yourself to receive an oracular message from the land.

Be with it as long as you wish, and then you may want to write this message down. Later, you can reflect on how this message applies to your life practically, and maybe to something in particular that's been on your mind lately.

We are the wise women and men, the magic holders returning for a new time. You are an oracle of Mother Earth.

May your deepest magic bloom freely again, and bless your life and the world abundantly.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.


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