Coming Home to the Heart of Our Feminine Bodies

True or false?

“Our ancestors revered the Feminine and the vulva was a centerpiece of spirituality.”

You guessed it: it's true.

In today's world, it's hard to imagine that the one body part that's been most shamed, made taboo, deemed disgusting, stinky, to-be-hidden, and a target of persecution and abuse, was once revered as holy, gorgeous, magnificent, and the detainer of sacred power.

Before we go any further, here are some of my favorite images of the womb and vulva being celebrated, honored, and adored by our ancestors around the world.

What do you feel when you gaze at these images? Is there one image in particular that speaks to you?

And can you imagine a time when, as people went to their place of worship — whether that was a sacred cave, temple, or church — they came to gaze at, bow, and touch the female vulva as a sacred portal of death, birth, rebirth, and holy nourishment?

In my personal journey, it's been really healing and important to understand our true history. Or shall we say, our her-story?

If you're interested in learning more, I'll leave some of my book recommendations at the bottom of this article.

Before stories of matriarchy and patriarchy, there was a time when men and women lived in harmony and partnership. And the feminine was honored as a life-giver and powerful spiritual initiatrix.

Now, we can ask ourselves: how did we come to forget our divine inheritance of women? What happened here?

This is a question worth exploring.

Because, by now, most of us don't know about our true past: an ancient time when the Goddess was worshipped through the body of women and through the earth's miraculous bounty.

Today, as modern women, we carry the psychological and spiritual scars of this loss.

Our bodies haven't forgotten, and tell our long-lost stories through the illnesses, imbalances, and chronic conditions we experience in our pelvic bowls, yonis, and delicate hormonal systems.

Intuitively, most of us can feel that our wombs and yonis hold the trauma memories of generations, silently keeping the score of every hurt, every betrayal, every abuse. Every heartbreak experienced not only on a personal level, but also on a familial and cultural level.

No wonder so many of us harbor feelings of low self-worth, self-doubt, lack of self-love, and a sense of struggling to truly find our place in the world.

My question to you is: When you tune in to your womb, to your yoni, to the "heart" of your feminine body, what is she asking for?

What medicine, nourishment, or sacred action is she reaching for beneath the surface of everyday life?

What is her deepest longing?


If you would like support in taking the journey down into the magical world of your womb, try one of my guided shamanic journeys.

They've been designed with lots of love and care to hold space for you as you gently descend into your wildest, richest realms of feminine power.

Or come work with me directly in a one-on-one session.

As a Womb Priestess, I’m here to be a doula for your soul — listening with you to the voice of your soul and helping midwife the unique unfolding of your spiritual journey.

Together, let's liberate the feminine spirit, so the world can be blessed again with the abundance of her vast wisdom, beauty, and creative magic.

*Screaming on the rooftops that your holy vagina is the light of God herself*


PS: If you want to learn more about feminine herstory, some of my book suggestions are: "The Chalice and the Blade" by Riane Eisler, "Magdalene Mysteries" by Seren and Azra Bertrand, "Sheela-na-gig: The Dark Goddess of Sacred Power" by Starr Goode, and "The Alphabet Versus the Goddess" by Leonard Shlain.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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