Trusting Your Conditions for Dreaming


What new dream has been gestating in your heart this past year?

Or is it an old dream taking on a new form, a new energy?

What I love about this time of year is that it’s filled with this magical, daydreamy, liminal space energy.

This field of possibility.

This openness.

It’s the perfect time to make space for what I like to call “the conditions for dreaming.”

Those conditions, entirely unique to you, that allow your whole being to settle, relax, and start to dream into new creative ideas and possibilities.

Your conditions for dreaming may come alive when you go to your favorite spot early in the morning with a notebook and a pen and a heart full of desires.

Or when you’re in nature and a lukewarm breeze arises and the sun caresses your skin, and your body is totally at ease.

Or when you take a full day to yourself, no time constraints, luxuriating in every moment, following your every intuition.

They’re the conditions that speak to your body, and to your soul, a unique creative language that clicks and makes you vibrate alive.

As children, we do this so naturally. We instinctively curate our conditions for dreaming.

We surround ourselves with our favorite things, sacred little talismans, and let ourselves enter another state of consciousness.

Other worlds, and entire realities, are within reach to delight us, play with us, and come alive through us.

A few years ago, I suddenly had not just a desire but a real need to reconnect with my creativity.

And this was the key to finding my true creative current again: I had to rediscover my conditions for dreaming.

Turns out, they’re extremely specific :)

There’s a vibe, a mood, a time of day.

A light, a color palette, a soundtrack.

There’s a whole feeling that asks to be invoked to really enchant me.

It’s like a magical recipe that asks to be known, felt, and claimed.

And once the conditions are set… magic happens. And a deeper, more mysterious part of me comes alive in an instant.

This is one of my favorite creative practices, especially now, at the threshold of a new cycle.

What are your conditions for dreaming? And what new dream or new energy is waiting to come through?

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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