Magical Milestones: A Simple Practice to Wrap Up Each Month

As we get ready to wrap up the first month of 2024, I want to share with you a simple practice I’m going to be doing every month this year.

I’m calling it Magical Milestones, and it’s about making the space to really take in and write down the magical moments and creations you experienced throughout the month.

Your Magical Milestones are those beautiful, magical experiences that held a special charge of energy.

Those moments where you could distinctly feel the flow of magic, where you could feel the power in your body.

This is your time to reflect on the magic, fully take it in, savor it, and allow it to root in a little deeper.

Take a pulse on what is unfolding in your journey.

Your own process of growing into more of your magic and power.

And as you do so, you may even see new insights and threads emerge.

When it comes to Magical Milestones, outer experiences are just as valuable as the ones that occur in your inner worlds, in the vast and ever-evolving universe of you.


Some of my Magical Milestones for January were big things that have been in the works for a while.

I moved into a new home right before the new year and spent January settling in.

The first Feminine Council was held, and it was incredible. The fruit of a year-long creative dreaming.

Two new magical beings entered my life and my heart. (see the video version of this newsletter to take a peek)

And then, there were those subtler moments that somehow shifted everything.

My first sunrise of 2024, and the enchanting, liminal energy in the air.

Going to the ocean again after a long time away, and being reminded of the same elemental power I can embody and stretch into to navigate the obstacles.

There were long, luxurious conversations with loved ones, with the kind of depth and realness that fed my soul and brought our hearts closer.

There was a cozy morning where I stayed in bed, as it rained outside, where I felt myself integrate weeks of transformation, while basking in the silence.

And there were two powerful dreams that brought new revelations, that I’ll be working with for a while.

Let’s make the space for more magic. The kind that is real, embodied, and flowing in the everyday.

The kind that isn’t separate from anything we are or do. That emerges from any doorway, and from within us.

And constantly brings surprises, shifts, transformation, nourishment, and new information.

Enjoy reflecting on your Magical Milestones. The more specific, the better. Because the beauty and complexity of your life are something so magnificent, and so special to revel in and celebrate.

Ps: Registration is open for the February edition of Feminine Council on Friday, February 9th, on Magnetism & Nourishment. It's going to be a juicy one! I hope to see you there :)

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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