Creatrix: Become the Fifth Element

Something amazing happens when we remember why we’re here: to be a Creatrix.

To not only dream but to become the fifth element.

Embody your essence and create, with everything in your life.

Create with your circumstances.

Create with your personal expression — the way you speak, walk, dress, adorn yourself, move in the world.

Create with your relationships, your choices, your non-negotiables.

Make magic with all of your life — no exceptions.

Let your dreams be your compass.

Reconfigure everything else around this compass.

Use your frustration.

Create with that ancient longing now turned into ravenous hunger.

Become the magnificent She-Beast who turns heads as she goes for her bounty with single-minded focus.

Trust your primal instincts leading you to the prize — the one you came here to get, and put everything on the line for.

Take your old limitations and turn them into bingeable episodes of your favorite tv show — the wildest adventure ever dreamed up to birth the real you.

And don’t forget to create with your pain.

Make art from your deepest sorrows, your most devastating heartbreaks.

Give them a place, an entire manuscript where they can write their poetry, sing their lamentations, and constellate the stars of your legacy.

When you’re deep in the cave, in that part of you that feels will never see the light of day, create a trail that becomes a pathway of your love, forever lighting up the akashic libraries of the universe.

What if your anxiety is a magical creature showing you the way out of an old paradigm?

Let your inner Creatrix liberate you.

It’s time for freedom.

Your destiny rising like sap within you, like an inevitability all around you.

Become the fifth element, you were born to be a Creatrix.

Creatrix, Secrets of Creativity, coming up on March 14th.

Join us for an unforgettable journey.

Now is your time.

Jade Bertaud

Jade is a Womb priestess in the Grail lineage, committed to serving the return of Womb consciousness and Sacred Union on Earth. Jade works with intuition, dance, energetic bodywork, depth psychology, and the ancient ways of priestesshood to create sacred spaces where women and men can naturally flower to experience their deepest truth.

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